Friday, 17 October 2008


*cough* so...maybe one of you could let us know personally next time? When is the next BHH? The 30th? And yes, sorry, but honestly people! antipop you whore, how could you have managed to not even mention it!!


  1. u cut a BHH held in ur honour????? child.. have u no shame?? :-)

  2. Honestly... seriously... how could you cut?? We're heartbroken. And it was DA BOMB.

    In other news...

  3. Umm...aah...what is

  4. Nevender
    head over to Dee's blog

    and yeah DeTambs
    next one make the effort..

  5. seriously you didn't know? i have been seeing you poppin on and off like on messenger so i totally thought you had been to the blogs! i swear next time i will hunt you out of that cave that you and rev are holed in and personally drag you both naked out of there.

    am i forgiven?

  6. Ahem...B2B....I been there to Dee's site but...ummh...Bloggers ...something something?.... do it for me like you would explain what is SST....

  7. oKAY, now i know!!!

    Uganda Bloggers Happy Hour....


  8. Sigh. All that for you? Tsk tsk tsk. We were disappointed.
    On the upside, Joshi was there and it was cool. He talks really soft and has a quiet demeanor about him. He's also very charming. Mmmmmmm . . .

  9. You missed BHH in your honour after travelling all the way to Uganda especially?

  10. hey when is the next bhh? you ought to come to makindye my dear and tour it...more dust and dirt!

  11. I want to help post for you your secrets that you might not want to appear on your blog you will be annon just send me an email

  12. with love to Mimi:

    hey DeT's crawl out from under there...
    37days and am counting down-South Australia.

    Now come back on blogger and we chat about this exchange program bulungi

  13. with love to Mimi:

    hey DeT's crawl out from under there...
    37days and am counting down-South Australia.

    Now come back on blogger and we chat about this exchange program bulungi

  14. with love to Mimi:

    hey DeT's crawl out from under there...
    37days and am counting down-South Australia.

    Now come back on blogger and we chat about this exchange program bulungi

  15. with love to Mimi:

    hey DeT's crawl out from under there...
    37days and am counting down-South Australia.

    Now come back on blogger and we chat about this exchange program bulungi

  16. Ok besides the BHH i so like your templet the art piece up there is just awsome...........
