Monday, 29 October 2007

So tired

Ever since I had that nice bitch about those customers I've been feeling much better at work. Now I don't have to think about it because I already wrote it down. Does that make any sense? Back to assignments now *sigh*, don't worry though, I'm not working too hard...


  1. You are weird...
    a, Hilarious
    b, cant ryhme this thing.
    c, You make my days, sometimes.

    I kinda like you alot, wont do a blog though. Ugandan fan out here in the middel of nowhere America. Iowa.

  2. Or i wish you would post alot more, thats what i originally wanted to say. Duh, Ugandan fan again.

  3. So this is the ugandan fan you were talking about. Hmmm.
